Loan Rates Savings and Checking Accounts Certificate Rates Fee Schedule

Effective as of: 1/01/2025

Auto, Motorcycle, RV and Boats

Loan TypeAPR
5 yrs or Less2021 - New5.25%
6 yrs of Less5.75%
7 yrs or Less6.25%
8 yrs or Less7.25%
5 yrs of Less2020-20186.25%
2017 - Older6.75%

Signature (Unsecured)

3 yrs or Less 9.49%
4 yrs or Less $10,000 min 10.49%
5 yrs or Less $15,000 min 10.99%

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Visa Classic

Fixed Rate Home Equity180 months or lessCall for Quote
Home Equity Line of Credit180 months or lessCall for Quote
First Mortgage LoansFor Current Mortgage Rates click on the link below:
Rates are quoted "as low as". They may not apply to every borrower.Click Here >>>>>>>
Rates include a 1/2 discount for payroll deduction/automatic transfer and will be adjusted based on credit history.
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